Our teachings

The College of Education

Ut bibendum lacus mi, ut venenatis tellus bibendum a. Pellentesque viverra feugiat diam, at convallis risus placerat quis.

General lessons

Who the ALI teachings are for

Their aim is to train analysts, but they are also open to anyone interested in psychoanalysis.

Conference cycles

The Collège pour les psychanalystes en formation (College for psychoanalysts in training), created in 2001 on the initiative of Charles Melman, is an original place for teaching psychoanalysis that complements the work acquired by each individual in the course of his or her treatment. It is open, without exception, to all those who make a reasoned written request to the secretariat…It is open, without exception, to all those who make a reasoned written request to the secretariat…

The ALI cartels

The Collège pour les psychanalystes en formation (College for psychoanalysts in training), created in 2001 on the initiative of Charles Melman, is an original place for teaching psychoanalysis that complements the work acquired by each individual in the course of his or her treatment. It is open, without exception, to all those who make a reasoned written request to the secretariat…It is open, without exception, to all those who make a reasoned written request to the secretariat…

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